Graduation Day: A treatise on Epicurus and Christ

an image of lady graduating in cap and gown

Epicurus, the Greek philosopher wrote, “Death does not concern us, because as long as we exist, death is not here. And once it does come, we no longer exist.” Epicurus believed that the fear of death robbed humanity of experiencing true happiness.  According to Epicurus, if mankind could accept death as the end of being, then we could find happiness in life.

Well, death does concern us and for good reason.  If mankind were to accept death as the end of being, then there would be no purpose to this current existence. It’s like attending a university where no one ever graduates. If a person could take all the required courses, pass every required class, attain a 4.0 GPA and yet the policy is no one will ever graduate, wouldn’t we all be concerned?

 In this scenario, not graduating university is the commonality for every student regardless of GPA just like death is the commonality for every person living regardless of status or achievement(s). In both scenarios, the likely question most of us will ask is, “What then is the point?”

Epicurus will say we do not need to concern ourselves with such a question. Since graduation will never happen, we will be happier just continuing taking courses and joining more clubs on campus. But, the truth is everyone attends university with hopes of graduating; to use every skill and experience acquired in university to gain employment, live comfortably, and impact the world.

Life is more than breathing air. It’s because of life we know and experience things like love, family, joy, laughter, food, art, music, dancing and so much more.  As a result, death does concern us because again it simply doesn’t make sense to have experienced or tasted these things and then suddenly no more. In that case, then nothing matters. But it does matter and should matter. Just like attending a university matters, taking courses matter, graduation matters. They matter because there’s a hope that doing these things will improve the quality of our future.

Jesus said to Martha, “…I am the resurrection and the life: he that believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live.” – John 11:25

Jesus guaranteed and demonstrated to us that we can graduate. Continuity exists! One that is both eternal and fruitful. The next world will surpass every good thing we have come to love about this current world. It will be an eternity of peace which this world has never been able to achieve from the moment it fell.

Jesus said, “…In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.” – John 14:2

The Father’s house exists in the realm of eternity (timeless), where fullness of joy and pleasures exist (Psalm 16:11).

Jesus Christ has made it certain that he wants us to live there with him. The only criteria is that we believe in him (John 3:16).

Jesus makes graduation possible. It’s a process that will take us from death immediately to life. We will live again in HIM and through HIM, if we believe in HIM. And despite our concern of death, the promise of our Lord Jesus Christ makes the Christian happier and bolder because of the great life ahead. Concerning this, the apostle Paul writes, “…For in this tent we groan, longing to put on our heavenly dwelling” – II Corinthians 5:2


  1. Uhhh
    That’s food for thought. May we all be counted worth at the end of our earthly journey IJN 🙏🏾

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