
Matthew 25:40 “And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to Me.’” Halleluyah! Jesus was a practical teacher. He lived as he taught, demonstrating the culture of God’s kingdom. Often times we think of the kingdom of …

The Best Part

A small blackboard with the words First Jesus Then Coffee

So this week, the song “Best Part” by Daniel Caesar featuring HER was on my mind because my neighbor upstairs was playing the song. I like the song; it has a beautiful melody and soulfulness to it that’s indeed capturing. There’s a part in the lyrics I like that says, “…where you go I follow, no matter how far.” Somehow …

Chosen Vessel

The story of Saul on the road to Damascus to persecute followers of Jesus Christ is found in the book of Acts chapter 9. As the church began to gain momentum in the early days of its founding, antagonists rose up to quell the movement. One of the main of antagonists was a man by the name, Saul of Tarsus. …

Strong enough for the battle you face

A man dressed in medieval armor

You may be going through many problems in life and believe that the problems that you are facing are too much. It may feel as if it’s impossible to overcome and you may feel like GIVING UP. But DON’T and here’s why. Exodus 13:17(NIV) states this: “ When Pharaoh let the people go, God did not lead them on the …

Reach To All

A study in Matthew 9:9-13. God extends his reach to all.


An exhortation on the book of Isaiah Chapter 1:10-19. As believers we are to be obedient to God.