The Duty of Parents

Photo of a father carrying his little son

The instruction to children to obey their parents presupposes, as we have seen, the fact of parental authority. Yet when Paul outlines how parents should behave towards their children, it is not the exercise, but the restraint, of their authority which he urges upon them. The picture he paints of fathers as self-controlled, gentle, patient educators of their children is …

He Will Surely Return

Gospel of John 14 verse 3

What will that day be? The day He surely returns. What day of the week? Sunday? Yeah maybe. Or not . On that day, it will surely be “Today” It is a day of beach going, supermarket shopping, job doing, stay at home relaxing. And then a thunderous voice will ring out to every corner of the planet. Calling to every …

The 5 Truths: Part 1

The first of 5 series based on a song composition by a Celestial Church of Christ Choir. The song original title “Otito Marun” translates to “Five Truths” in English. It speaks of five gospel truths as revealed by Jesus Christ in the gospel of Matthew. This presentation further breaks down each truth according to gospel and words of our Lord …

The Bountiful Love of Christ

The love of Christ is bountiful to all who love and believe in him.  He loved us even before we loved him (1 John-4:19) the book of Revelation says, “Unto him that loved us and washed us from our sins in his own blood. The book of Romans (Chapter 5:85) goes on further to explain the love of Christ to …

Balaam’s Donkey

The story of balaam’s talking donkey has always been one of the most fascinating stories of the Bible for me. While Balaam intended to go and curse the people of Israel, his donkey’s eyes were opened to see the Angel of the Lord standing in their way. Her mouth was opened and human speech proceeded out. It tells me that …