He Will Surely Return

Gospel of John 14 verse 3

What will that day be? The day He surely returns. What day of the week? Sunday? Yeah maybe. Or not . On that day, it will surely be “Today” It is a day of beach going, supermarket shopping, job doing, stay at home relaxing. And then a thunderous voice will ring out to every corner of the planet. Calling to every nation, every people, in every tongue; drawing their attention upwards. Then as every eye is lifted up, there he’ll be: the Son of Man, the Son of God.  Fear will consume the hearts of many even as joy fills others.


But He must accomplish His work: “Lazarus come forth!” The souls of all who died waiting for this hour, He does not forget them. He makes them over: in his image and likeness.  Then he looks upon the earth and it releases its hold, but only on his sheep who hear His voice. And as they go to meet him, soaring on the wings of His angels, those who could not fly will say, “Surely He did return”


 The promise of Jesus’ return is the greatest hope of a Christian.


Jesus himself promised it and the early church waited expectantly for it. Paul, in writing to the Thessalonians (1 Thessalonians 4:15-18) describes the revelation that he received concerning how the return of the Lord will be.  And after describing it, he tells the church to encourage themselves with his words.

As we also wait for the return of our Lord and savior, it is important that we also continually encourage ourselves with the revelation given to Paul and to the other apostles. When we stop looking forward to His return, it simply means that we have become too preoccupied with the earthly kingdom and not the heavenly one. Today, let us lift our heads and look up: our savior comes.


  1. Therein lies our greatest hope and is the template upon which we play our role here.

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