Thursday, February 27

Approach The Lord

Mark 4:35-40

The disciples of Jesus Christ were in a ship with him, when a problem arose, then out of fear and worry they told the Lord Jesus “Master, carest thou not that we perish? Most, if not all of us can relate with the disciples, often when we face problems in life we get afraid, we start to worry, we forget who our God is, we forget his Word.  They had the Lord Jesus Christ in the ship with them and they were still afraid! They had the powerful, miracle working Lord with them and were still worrying. It doesn’t make too much sense as to why they would worry if the Lord was with them correct?

I want to let you all know that the same way that the lord was with them, is the same way as a child of the Most High God that the Lord is with you. So why should you fear in the face of tribulation? In these verses I noticed the disciples did a very wise thing, they approached the Lord Jesus when the affliction came upon the ship. Which is what we as children of the Almighty should do when we face affliction. We should not worry but approach the Lord in prayer. Even the Bible declares in James 5:13,


Is any among you afflicted? Let him pray. Is any merry? Let him sing psalms.


No matter what you are going through in your life focus on the Lord he will not leave you nor forsake you. He is not a wicked father but a good father. I encourage you all to trust in the Lord, stay in continuous repentance, stay in his presence and continue in genuine submission to the Lord. God bless you.


Thank you all for reading may the peace and mercy of the almighty God be with you in Jesus name, Amen.